Monday, July 2, 2007

Adventure Land: The Strike of Lightning.

Adventure Land: The Strike of Lightning.
Enter the enchanted land where animals talk, wizards and witches practice magic, and dinosaurs roam free. Prepare for Adventure in this thrilling tale of good versus evil. Adventure Land, The Stike of Lightning is the first book in this new series. The planet is under siege from the worst evil villain in memory, Gorglin Thild. Also known as Lord Lightning, this evil tyrant is determined to conquer Adventure Land and create a living nightmare in its place. The only thing standing in his way are the brave heroes, who use every fiber of their being to thwart this villain. One of the most amazing things about this story, is that it has been spawned from the imagination of a 12 year old boy. Asher Edelson is the author of Adventure Land, and is sure to become a well known writer. The first installment of Adventure Land is estimated to be available for the public late in the summer of 2007. For more information you may visit these web sites: BLOG SITE or ADVENTURE.

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