Tuesday, September 16, 2008

UpComing Events

There are three exciting new things to plan for. First of all, there is a new television show called, 'The Doctors.' They are doing an episode on Tourette Syndrome. They have invited Asher Edelson to come on the show. Yesterday, they were at the house and filmed the family and did interviews. The episode will air sometime in October. They will discuss how Asher has delt with his Tourette Syndrome, "HIS BOOK," etc. We will keep you posted.
He also has two book signing events coming up. One will be at the Upper Tampa Bay Library Saturday, October 11th from 2pm - 4pm.
He is also going to be signing books and selling them at the St. Petersburg Reading Festival (a much bigger event) on Saturday October 25th. This will be at the St. Pete campus of USF - an all day event.
Both of these events will also have other authors involved and speaking (but none of them as interesting as our young Asher Edelson.)